Why Jean Kirschtein Makes A Wonderful Character

Why Jean Kirschtein Makes A Wonderful Character
(and why I am hopelessly in love with him)

The following article is not spoiler-free.
Warnings will be available in the said sections.

Jean Kirschtein is one of the main characters in Hajime Isayama’s hit series, ้€ฒๆ’ƒใฎๅทจไบบ (Shingeki No Kyojin), or what is more commonly referred to as Attack on Titan. This article is dedicated not only to preach about my (almost unhealthy) obsession over him, but also to praise the depth of his character’s complexity overall – from his charming looks up to the little quirks in his personality.

You're probably thinking – "what a simp!" And I must say, you are not quite far from the truth, my friend. However, this adoration of mine goes beyond the shallow waters of attraction to his mere appearance. Allow me to expound, and join me in this short analysis of who Jean Kirschtein really is, and why he is much more than the horse-faced character he is referred to as in the 2D world of Hajime Isayama.

Who is Jean Kirschtein? (spoilers for chapters 1-18)

Originally from the district of Trost, Jean Kirschtein applied for the military alongside the other protagonists of the manga. He only ever had one goal, and that was to graduate in the top 10, so that he’d be granted the privilege of living a comfortable life inside the walls as a Military Police Brigade officer. This mindset alone created conflict between him and the main protagonist, Eren Yeager –who he’d constantly bicker with–  eventually becoming his playful nemesis up until the end.

       He was initially a hot-headed, over jealous and conceited teenager upon introduction. Always feeling like he had to prove himself, he unconsciously sought validation from his comrades that he claimed he did not need from anyone but himself. In hindsight, he doesn't really seem to be the type of character you'd admire,
much less simp for.

He ranked the 6th best when he graduated from the 104th Cadet Corps, meaning his goal was secured: he could finally join the Military Police Brigade stationed inside the walls. He could live a happy, peaceful life, away from war. This did not go as planned, however, for the Colossal Titan had broken into the walls of Trost, and the newly graduated recruits, including himself, were forced to engage in battle. Jean clearly expressed his frustration during these trying times, constantly complaining about how he had been so close . . . so close, yet so far from achieving his selfish pursuit of a comfortable life.

After witnessing the bloody horrors of the reality they must live with, Jean was faced with a grief overwhelmingly foreign to him. He was tasked to identify the remains of what turned out to be the corpse of his closest friend in the batch – Marco Bodt, – who proved to be a consistent figure of inspiration for him during their time together in training.

In the following scenes, Jean is seen reminiscing back to the time Marco had expressed the potential he saw in his vulnerable nature. Marco explains to him how there is so much more in store for him, and how he doesn’t give himself enough of the credit he deserves.

❝ You’re not a strong person . . . so you can really understand how weak people feel . . ..❞

Jean’s ability to admit to his weak demeanor was his own source of empathy. With this, he acquired impeccable decision making. Both of which were good skills to have, given the types of situations they faced as soldiers.

In his remorse, Jean eventually found it in himself to change his mind, choosing to join the Survey Corps with whoever was left of his batchmates – choosing to fight as long as he was able to. Just as Marco would have done.

❝ Have you decided which branch of the military you're going to apply to?
I've decided . . . I'm going to join the Survey Corps . . .❞  

This is one of the first times we are given a deeper look into his character. Losing his friend in such a cruel manner clearly did a number on him. It opened his eyes to things he did not quite understand yet . . . but this was the real world now. And at this moment, Jean would be more than the self-centered teenager he had been introduced as. His character perfectly depicted one of the major attributes that make us human, in such a raw form: fear.

Jean refuses to shoot a fellow human during the Royal Government Story arc of Attack on Titan.Jean was simply afraid. He allowed himself to succumb to weakness while fully being aware of it. Ironic to its nature, this attribute of his would eventually become his strongest asset.

Character Development (spoilers for chapters 57-108)

As the story progresses, Jean continues to show his growth amidst the battles they face. Their enemies are no longer exclusive to the titans that terrorised humanity's existence, but to fellow humanity as well. They now have the responsibility of choosing to fight for what they believe is right, with the sacrifice that they must get their hands dirty. Jean is constantly doubtful of this, questioning his morals along the way. He is not ready, but the situations they are put in gave no room for contemplation. That being said, the strength inside of him reinforces after each traumatic event.

Inner turmoil is a consistent theme among the characters of Attack on Titan, which is one of the things that makes it such a great series: realism. Here, we are shown a conversation between Levi and Jean, discussing the responsibilities they must now own up to, whether people's perspectives deemed it right or wrong.

Slowly, Jean’s leadership skills develop further after every challenge they face. The squad eventually relies more and more on his judgment. It is not the first time that we are shown this, as it has already been mentioned way back from his introduction that everyone was aware of his potential – it was only a matter of time, maturity and experience, that he would learn to unlock his full capability. Heck, even Eren Yeager himself knew of it.

Keith Shadis introduces the trainees of the 104th Cadet Corps

Jean eventually learns to accept his leadership as his strength. During the Battle of the Shinganshina (mission to reclaim Wall Maria), Jean’s skills are put to a test when Armin relies on him as second-in-command.

Although his childish antics with Eren still remain with them as they grow up, it is obvious that he has matured and learned to hone his skills to a much more advanced level.

His role as a leader becomes more consistent towards the later chapters, and it is established that he is a necessary addition to the squad. At the beginning of the War of Paradis Arc, Jean fully takes the position of leading the Survey Corps during their operation to retrieve Eren from Marley.

Now this brings us closer towards the end of this analysis.

The following content contains spoilers for the latest chapters of the manga.

Loyalty 'til Death . . .

You wouldn’t think that the same person who displayed cowardice from his very first appearance would end up being one of the last people standing – fighting for selfless intentions. Jean’s character did a complete one-eighty-degree flip. Some would say that his most notable change would be his glow up, but Jean did more than grow his undercut and groom his beard.

And, it is not as if he had completely forgotten his initial goal of living a comfortable life – Jean didn’t become a perfectly selfless character willing to sacrifice everything for the sake of humanity. He still had motives all the same. In fact, his initial dream is brought up again when he reaches his lowest point. Was it really selfish, after everything he had contributed? The debate of whether he should give up or keep fighting constantly lingered in his mind. 

my poor boy i want to give him a hug ;-;

There is no easy way to say this, but Jean put up a good fight until his very last moments. He truly proved to be a loyal friend, soldier, comrade, brother . . . whichever term you’d like to regard him as. (Please don’t say ‘horse,’ though, I swear–) Did he regret it? Maybe. . . but it is clear that he has always been aware of the paths he chose to follow.

Chapter 21 – Jean speaks to Sasha and Connie about his decision

❝ Nobody convinced me to put my life on the line. This isn't the kind of job you can do without really choosing it yourself.❞

The love I have for Jean Kirschtein is just ineffable. Since the start of Attack on Titan, there was already something about him that continuously caught my attention. I can’t lie, he’s beautiful. He’s an absolutely fine specimen, but that aside, he proves himself to be an admirable individual, every. single. time. I have so much respect for who he has become.

   I may be a little hurt . . . – no, actually, I’m really hurt and I cannot emphasise enough how much Isayama has put me through after practically killing off 90% of the cast – but I’m very grateful for this series as well. Each and every character was well thought of, and I’d gladly create an article for each one of them if I were granted the time and opportunity to.

I could go further, rambling on and on about the reasons I love Jean, but it would take me a million pages and million more just to find the right words to express them. He's wonderful.



  1. Fiona! First off, this is amazingly informative. Very well-written and well-researched. You have spoiler warnings, which I'm sure people who have not seen/read AOT would appreciate A LOT. The formatting of this is just phenomenal. The effort you put into this shows and it paid off. My only concern is how long this is. Personally, I don't have the attention span to read super long readings. This could also be a disadvantage if your audience isn't a reader/watcher of AOT. However, I do understand why it is as long as it is. You explained Jean's character wildly in-depth and this just shows how much you love him. The addition of actual panels from the manga was a great choice! I think if you shortened this just a bit, it would be more attention grabbing. Overall, AMAZING JOB! I appreciate this blog and your thoughts a lot!

    1. THANK YOU SAM :")
      A lot of love and (EXTREME frustrations with blogger) birthed this article <//3

      really appreciate your critique lods hihi, also yeah i figured my article was quite lengthy but that's future readers' problem HAHAHA DSFJ thank you again ilysm

  2. HEY BESTIE first of all i love that you chose to talk about someone you love too because i know that feeling so well!! I loveeee how you introduced jean in the first few paragraphs and i love your choice of words! naur for real i love your choice of words and how in depth the information is! i love how you tell his story because back when i was watching aot (i dropped it at some point I’m so sorry gore and body horror is not my thing i couldn’t take it anymore) I wasn’t that interested in Jean and was part of the bullying him as a horse guy but this blog is changing my perspective of him because I never got to learn about his backstory. ah i remember that part with marco and jean oh my god i am sad. i love how you included the manga panel for reference especially for those who arent AOT fans or those who don’t read the manga. yess love the character development. I’m starting to think jean is really cool. i’m so happy that he was able to develop and learn his strengths and accept his weaknesses. love the maturity of his character!!! bro i love the ending panel… “we ended up saving the world because of you…” OH MY GADDDDDD okay i’ve finished reading your blog. I just want to say, I love how you wrote this. The grammar and the cohesiveness is on point and i love how heartfelt this is. thank you for enlightening me of his character and story, it certainly changed my perspective of him.

    1. yeah i wrote this comment as i was reading so its kinda messy wahaha

    2. HI BESTIE ๐Ÿ˜ฉ mhm so true simping is a career choice </3
      actually same with the gore part, AOT was honestly a lil difficult for me to stomach but the plot made it worth it. i'm really happy you're able to appreciate jean too !! HE'S AMAZING PLS HELP ME ALSO IT'S OK IF IT WAS MESSY I THOUGHT IT WAS CUTE LMAOO

      thank you for the critique hhhh i'm blushin

  3. OK WOW!! First off, I love how in-depth you went and how much effort you put into this post (you even included specific panels of the manga to drive home your points). Reading this post, I can really see how much you love Jean and why. As an AOT fan, I already liked Jean and acknowledged his development, but this post really made me fall in love with the way he matures and grows as a person; learning to accept his strengths and his flaws. I, unfortunately, couldn't read the last bit of the post (I'm only watching the anime, pls don't sue-), but even without reading it, I can see that this is such a well-constructed breakdown of Jean's character and development. I can't really find any obvious faults with it, so all I have to say rn is GOOD JOB : D

    1. Aw ;-; Skyeeee! Thank you so so much! I'm glad you were still able to enjoy the post even if it had to be cut short for anime only hehe, i really appreciate you reading through it and stanning Jean with me huehue ๐Ÿงก

  4. These are not words to be said lightly: Your in-depth, data-driven, passionate character analysis of Jean Kirschtein is on the level of some of the best Video Essayists on Youtube. As somebody who frequently has to similarly collect heaps of image assets for the purpose of demonstration, I am astounded by the fact that you put in the time to go back to previous chapters to get screenshot examples and LABEL them. Massive respect for that alone, most would not even bother.
    Fantastic post, had the AOT soundtrack playing in my head the whole time.

    1. Thank you Carlos :(
      That honestly means so much to me – my legs were quaking and my bottocks were clenching the entire time because i felt pressured with having to bring justice to Jean JAKSFHD HAHA thank you !!

  5. Ah, I see you are a fellow simp as well.

    I still REALLY need to catch up with the manga, but even then, I still love Jean and I can’t help but hopelessly agree with everything that was written. You really gave an in-depth look into who Jean is as a character and that’s great. Some of the best stuff I’ve read regarding AOT. You even went back to early chapters and acquired images for this post which I think is just INSANE effort. But it just goes to show how much you simp for this man. And that’s cool.

    1. YUP! Being a simp is both painful and amazing ๐Ÿ˜Œ

      FIRSTLY, GOODLUCK ON THE MANGA – it's a huge pain. Next, I'm honestly super flattered kasfjhsak and i'm glad i was able to give justice to AOT (moreso Jean)! Wish I describe to you how I physical squealed when I read "some of the best stuff" PLSS I'm so honoured. Thank you jerand, you're very cool

  6. Without a doubt this post is very well written. Carefully crafted like a reservoir of Yogurt with just the right amount of spacing in between each topic. Without a doubt this post flows like the river that Yiruma is talking about, with beautiful transitions in just the right moments. The ending is simply beautiful and closes the post like beautiful Penguin flying free in the stratosphere. This post without a doubt is well written and flows like the paws of a kitten on a Persian Carpet on a melancholy evening.

    1. very appreciated Ants . . . like a bee to a butterfly during pollination season. I am very grateful to your review on my post, my heart is warm like the blazing sun on a hot day in the Philippines. Your comment drips of poetry as fresh as the daisies blooming in spring and I would like to swim in it in order to make the most of its every drop.

  7. Fiona!!! I have no words. I absolutely have no words. As an AOT fan for quite some time now and as a person who loves diving deep, I've never seen an analysis written with such depth and care like yours. I love and appreciate how you venture into these different categories and aspects as to why you admire this certain character. Not only that, but it's how you express and explain it that really catches the readers' attention; My eyes were glued the whole time I was reading this. Adding manga panels were such a plus since it definitely allows all of us to have a visual look on reasons and examples you've mentioned regarding Jean and his character. This is absolute gold, Fiona. You did so great!! Proud of you :'))

    P.S. I didn't realize that I haven't posted my comment on your blog soz ;__; so i only got to post it now.

    1. I JUST SAW THIS NOW MARSSSS ๐Ÿ˜ญ I LOVE YOU SO MUCH. THANK YOU FOR ACTUALLY READING IT. I was afraid no one would really read it in depth but i appreciate this so much :') ILYSM!!


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