Mars' Blog Link

Henlo! Here's my blog link, I didn't post here for the sole reason that I already had a blog beforehand and already fixed formatting problems once I posted it there, so if I copy pasted what I wrote on here, I'd have to change the layout and fix new format problems again soz ;__;

Anyways yes it's Have a great day, drink water, it's hot. 


  1. Okay I'm gonna break the professional tone I've been using for this one because I am INCREDIBLY sleepy but also I've known you the longest out of anyone in school, so I guess there's room for liberty there.

    The moment I opened the link I went, "WOW, holy formatting Batman!" Good grief your template looks good. Custom-made or not, your choice of visual design made the whole thing a VERY pleasant read. And is that Karla font I see? Written like a true Firmalo.

    Phenomenal write-up, shining stars all across the board. This one is my favorite of everything I've read today.

    1. First of all, please get more rest and sleep ;__;. Second of all, AAA thank you Carlos!! I appreciate your comment a whole lot! And yes, Karla hehe. It's a very clean and pretty font :')).

  2. You really REALLY know what you’re talking about. The way you write about the aspects of filmmaking and how in-depth the blog gets in describing the film truly shows that you are knowledgeable in this topic. You have a very clear understanding of what you love. And MAN the formatting!! I was not expecting that and it's a very welcome surprise. ITS SO CLEAN.

    I know nothing about this film. Honestly once I read the word: “Korean” I thought I would’ve heard about it from my sister at some point, but this is the first I’ve heard of it. And now I want to watch it.

    1. thank you so much Jerand!! I appreciate your comment a lot ;__;. And yes, try giving it a watch during your free time!! :'))


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